New Resource: Pre-Bloom Insecticide Decision Table

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Just in case you missed the notice in yesterday's newsletter, a pre-bloom insecticide decision table has been created for Nova Scotia. Use this resource to choose pre-bloom insecticides according to the pest complex on your scouting report. Take note of the higher rate required for some pests. You may begin by determining the product and rate for your most difficult to control pest and then note the other pests that will be managed by your product selection.

Please note that efficacy ratings are not included in this table and it may be a direction to take in the future. Even though pyrethroids are labelled for aphids, apparently the control is not very effective. Please consider your knowledge of local efficacy in your decision making. The table includes a check mark if the label is a registered use.

Thank you to Steve McDow for reviewing the products included in his portfolio at NM Bartlett!

This table has also been updated today to include other products of interest to organic growers.

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