On the event page you can check out the agenda, speakers and sponsors for the event. Pesticide points will be awarded under NS Environment courses T2088-T2092 (0.5 pts in Labelling and 2.0 pts in Pest Management). Points are awarded to specific sessions listed in the agenda and tuning-in is mandatory to qualify for points.
Here is some helpful information regarding the virtual platform:
- You will need to have a zoom account to sign up for the conference, go to Video Conferencing, Cloud Phone, Webinars, Chat, Virtual Events | Zoom to create your account.
- Once you have registered you login to Zoom Events, to join lobby you need to login into the Zoom Events Platform Zoom Events - Virtual Events Platform | Zoom to see your ticket to the event and it will take you to the lobby and then to your Zoom app.
- We plan to start each session 15 minutes before it is scheduled to start and as participants you will leave one session and enter to next through the lobby. The speakers will also be live streamed directly to the lobby page if you want to take part from there.
- We have people monitoring the question chat box and the moderator will find times to ask questions at the end of the presentations.
- Note that you must register separately for the HNS event if you want to attend the joint labour session taking place on the afternoon of January 25th from 3 PM to 4:30 PM. Visit the HNS event page to register for the free Congress.
Here is the great lineup of speakers!